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All in-person classes take place at  TheDrawingStudio in Los Feliz, Los Angeles. Online classes take place over synchronous zooming. Upon registration, a class Letter of Engagement with detailed information on the class is sent via email to each student. While classes are structured by curriculum they transform with each cohort's spirit and direction. Please contact with any questions about our classes.

Danielle Yang Rita Dove Drawing 2023
Studio Class

Monday-Friday 10am-2:30pm
5 classes per/session
August 5-9th, 2024

Highschool Summer Drawing Workshop for College Portfolio Development


Artists Olivia Booth and Jill Spector will guide students in fine tuning perceptual drawing skills while also developing more exploratory and unexpected approaches to drawing for the purpose of enhancing their college application portfolios.

This class is specifically for high school students who are interested in developing an art portfolio. Students will create portfolio-worthy works that demonstrate technique as well as intellectual and philosophical curiosity. Each student will work on their individual drawing voice while we explore new drawing prompts daily. We’ll build an environment in which together we clarify vision and message, hone skills, and are all rooting for one another. 

Danielle Yang, Rita Dove Poetry Drawing, 2023

Summer 2024
Megan Parmele TP
Studio Class

Sunday 4–6 pm
6 classes per/session
Begins August 18, 2024

Observational Drawing for Adults, in-person


Contour Line, Sketch Method, Line as Value, Continuous Tone, Linear Perspective, Color as Tone, and Drawing with Style.

Open to everyone from total beginners to experienced artists, this class is for students who want to learn to draw what they see before them. We’ll take on different ways of seeing, shifting focus between line, value, texture, proportion, spatial relations and color, and build up a toolbox of techniques and approaches using multiple drawing mediums. We’ll build a greater understanding of the specificity of our own respective ways of seeing as we draw from varied subjects.

TP Drawing by Megan Parmele

Summer 2024
Edge of Light, Yvonne Liao
Virtual Class

Sundays 4–6 pm
6 classes per/session
Begins September 2024

Online Introduction to Drawing for Adults


Contour Line, Sketch Method, Line as Value, Continuous Tone, Linear Perspective, Color as Tone, and Drawing with Style.

Open to everyone from total beginners to experienced artists, this class is for students who want to learn to draw what they see before them. We’ll take on different ways of seeing, shifting focus between line, value, texture, proportion, spatial relations and color, and build up a toolbox of techniques and approaches using multiple drawing mediums. We’ll build a greater understanding of the specificity of our own respective ways of seeing as we draw from varied subjects.

Edge of Light Drawing by Yvonne Liao

Fall 2024
Soo Jung Illustrator's Lens
Virtual Class
Sundays 4-6
Begins October 2024

Online Drawing for Adults, Level II


Color Studies, Gesture Drawing, Drawing transparency, Compositional games, and Drawing with Style.

For those who've taken the first Observational Drawing for Adults, this class, expands upon those techniques, revisiting some and spinning off from others. We also explore composition, new approaches to the page and frame, how to fold in style, and get deeper into color theory. We’ll continue to take on different ways of seeing, shifting focus between line, value, texture, proportion, spatial relations and color, and build up another toolbox of techniques and approaches using multiple drawing mediums. We’ll build a greater understanding of the specificity of our own respective ways of seeing as we draw from varied subjects.

Illustrator's Lens, Soo Jung, 2023

Fall 2024
Jade Jwa Poetry Drawing
Studio Class

Saturday 4-6 pm
Begins Winter 2025

Poetry Drawing


A class in which we respond to poems by drawing, exploring various mediums and typography.

In this 5 session class we'll work from selected poems by various poets to create personal and responsive drawings. We'll study how drawing is a kind of writing and visa versa, and the bridge that poetry can play between them. In this way typography becomes a player in the class, but in the drawn sense. We'll explore multiple drawing mediums like chalk, oil pastel, charcoal, graphite and gouache and we'll play with various techniques including collage and frottage while we also hone compositional intention. This class is for students 18 and up, and there is no need to have experience with poetry, or even drawing for that matter! 

Jade Jwa, Nikky Finney Poetry Drawing, 2023

winter 2025
Trinity_Santillan_Project 2 _Foun 101 (1)
Studio Class
Saturdays 3-5
Beginning Winter 2025

Drawing for Glass Artists


Each class explores a mode of drawing that aims to be useful to artists whose primary meidum is glass.

This class runs a gamut of ways that drawing could be incorporated into one's practice using glass, and share the ways it already is put to use in the group. Our group will draw transparent objects using varying approaches, we'll draw in chalk as one does in a hot shop floor, we'll draw out a narrative of our life with glass, and work on installation drawings for how glass objects come into being in exhibition and other spaces. Time will be spent on practicing fast loose but clear ideation on the spot, for when working in a hot or cold shop or in front of a flame. The class leaves room for the individual ways in which drawing can clarify or enhance current practices. We'll join together in a drawing studio with glass in our minds and hearts.

Implied Line Drawing, 2020

Fall 2024
Jeremy Szuder
Studio Class

Thursdays 4:30–6pm
5 classes per/session

Beginning a Drawing Portfolio for High School Students


Class time is responsive to the cohort’s needs and interests, and will range in activities from writing about our own and one another’s work, researching artists that connect to students’ inquiry, engaging in group and individual review and projects, improve documentation skills and, above all, expressing ourselves with specifity on the page.

This class is specifically for high school students who are looking to build an art portfolio. Through collaborative group projects as well as individual ones, and with guidance from the instructor, students develop a series of drawings that represent their distinct point of view, technical command, and style. We’ll build an environment in which we intensify and clarify one another’s vision, hone skills, verbalize our messages, and are all rooting for one another.

Favorite Shirt in Color as Tone, by Jeremy Szuder

Fall 2024
for Pádraig Ó Tuama
Studio Class

Saturdays 4–6 pm
6 classes per/session
Begins Winter 2025

Experimental Drawing for Adults


Drawing as Celebration, Poetry Drawing, 3D Drawing, Diagram Drawing, Drawing as Meditation, The Frames the Image, Drawing Scores

This is a course of drawing exploration and inquiry for students looking to expand their scope of drawing, and for college level students looking to enhance their portfolio work. We'll ask what constitutes drawing, what drawing is for, and how it can change the way we imagine ourselves and the world around us. We’ll work on technique and the skills needed to express ourselves clearly, and at the same time we’ll disorient ourselves to what we know drawing to be.

Poetry Drawing for Pádraig Ó Tuama Poem, by Danielle Yang

Ava Ride 4?
Studio Class
6 classes per/session


Individualized Drawing Instruction


Drawing instruction that is personalized due to particular interests, an artistic goal, a current project, expanding ones practice, a portfolio in design or art, or simply because one-on-one is a better fit for the student.

After an initial meeting, a 6-class curiculum is crafted to fit the student's goals and interests, focusing on techniques and approaches along with conceptual challenges designed to broaden and advance their development. Curiculums are supple and student and instructor continue to shape them together.

Driving Study, Ava Hakakha, 2023

Spring 2024

Past & Proposed

Here are some ideas in mind for future classes.
Let us know if you’re interested!

Diagramming Your Life

We'll organize and reorganize and compose and recompose aspects of our lives by representing them in multiple forms of diagram.


Chalk Drawing

Working with chalk drawing on multiple surfaces, like paper, walls, and concrete. We'll study how we can use chalk to make murals, interventions, and street art.

Chalk Intervention by Elyse Bouchard

Time-Based Drawing for Portfolio

We'll work on how to create and include drawn gifs and other drawings-which-unfold-over-time into a compelling portfolio

Kevin's Dance

Your Ideas

Not Seeing Something you’re interested in? Propose a class here.

Submit Idea